Does your job fuel your creative energy?

You know what I love about my job as a Content Strategist and UX Editor for our Product Design and Innovation team? Everything.

One of my favorite aspects is definitely working with a team of incredibly creative, innovative people. We have photographers, print makers, font addicts, nature lovers, writers, painters, craft makers, house flippers, code dreamers, you name it. It’s an eclectic group of people who all bring their own perspective and spin to our products.

One of the coolest things about working with such an incredible group of folks, is that the creativity is almost palpable. You can feel it humming around the team when we’re  in the office. We work extremely hard, but in the downtime during coffee breaks we chat about our latest creative hobbies, share pictures of pieces we’ve done, sneak previews of things that are in progress, and it’s just generally an incredibly creative atmosphere.

After a particularly inspiring day at the office (our next project is completely awesome, can’t wait for launch!!!) I  had one of those nights, where I experienced the spine tingling creative compulsion make something beautiful. Ever get that feeling, that if you don’t create something beautiful immediately, you’re going to explode?

I picked up a camera and started shooting things (fall foliage, trees, the crescent moon) and spent the evening editing.  When I was done, and had a few pieces I loved, I realized that I had been attacked by a fit of creative energy that stemmed from working in a job that FUELS my creativity, rather than a job that detracts from it. I get to spend my days thinking of new innovative ways to do things, and the job is actually multiplying my creative energy exponentially. Add to that the fact that spending time with the awesome team of people I work with is like being perpetually wrapped in a cloud of creative innovation,  and you’ve got a definite win.

When you get home from work, are you energized? Are you inspired? Do you have those fits of creativity that crawl through your spine demanding that you create something amazing?

If you’re drained, exhausted, mentally fried, or creatively sapped when you get home, there’s a good chance that you’re in the wrong field, or in a toxic work environment.

Free yourself and find a position and team that inspire and fuel your creativity! Then you’ll never “work” another day in your life. You’ll just spend your days doing something you love with “your people” while making bank! Life doesn’t get much better than that.

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