About Jennifer Aldrich

Jennifer Aldrich is the Senior Manager of Design Community Partnerships at InVisionApp and a blogger at User Experience Rocks. Her career focus has mainly centered on product design, usability testing, user research and content strategy.

Jennifer’s writing has appeared in tech publications and blogs including Startup Grind, A List Apart, Creative Bloq, Net Magazine, and UX Magazine.

She is a firm believer that sharing knowledge is one of the most powerful ways members of the UX and design communities can make an impact on the world around them, and encourages others to do so through writing, mentoring and speaking at events.

She would love to connect with you on social media!

Twitter: @jma245

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferaldrich1

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/uxrocks

Medium: http://medium.com/@jma245 


23 thoughts on “About Jennifer Aldrich

  1. Jennifer, I’m co-founder of a seed-stage startup and we want to get UX right (right out of the gate.) Realize you are busy with all of your many engagements, but would love an introduction to a UX designer that is changing the world and who really, intimately understands the concept. So many designers call themselves UX/UI designers, but the quality is very varied.

  2. Hey, I am not a newbie, and have presented many designs to stakeholders and got great and sometimes horrific feedback. This past week I just felt so uninspired showing off high-def designs, on a project that I worked on from its infancy, through user research, stories, storyboarding, user testing while creating personas in parallel. At the end I opted to save time and money and do the 13 screens (each) for mobile and desktop in hi-def and even slapped it inside of Invisionapp (which is awesome) only at the end to receive an underwhelming response. We quarrelled over UX design which we already discussed in the prototyping stages.

    After reading your article on Invisions Blog “An open letter to newbie designer” I was lifted. Literally frown turned upside down, its reminded me, that criticism comes, how we handle it is up to us, how we progress after is what makes us designers.

    Thanks alot 🙂

    1. Hi Albert! She started following industry folks on Twitter and reached out to them directly, in addition to building her network and tweeting questions to her followers. It’s amazing how many people are willing to give advice via Twitter if you just ask. Twitter is a great forum because questions and answers have to be short and to the point, without massive time investment or tricky scheduling on the part of either party.

      1. That is so bizarre!! I have over 100 followers I have no idea why the button isn’t displaying anymore. I may have been using an old widget. I’ll update it now, thank you so much for the heads up! 🙂

  3. I’ve mentioned UX Rocks in my list of great resources for managing creative careers – check out the blog on Twitter @Paul_Schof – thanks Paul

  4. wonderful read. Great tips for someone who is himself at a prelaunch and crowdfunding stage at building his app. One of the things which I feel really works is if one can articulate the benefit to the user. In my case I am really focussed on the benefits to the user of the app in that they can make their smartphone their moneymaker! I can share some inside story if you are interested to share with your readers. Cheers

    1. Awesome, thanks Chris! And you’re welcome! I’m just paying it forward, everything I’ve learned has come from the amazing industry folks who came before me. I feel that sharing knowledge with the community is incredibly important for the future of the field! Thanks again for taking the time to comment! 🙂

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